The following was released by Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition and Professor of Environmental and Occupational Medicine at University of Illinois School of Public Health, […]
Read moreCategory: Breast Cancer
Indole-3-carbinol: A glucosinolate derivative from cruciferous vegetables for prevention and complementary treatment of breast cancer
Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women today. Despite improved therapies, only every second woman with breast cancer can expect cure. If cancer is metastatic at diagnosis, or recurs with metastases, then treatment is limited to palliative measures only, and cure is usually not expected. Under these circumstances, quality of life as well as overall survival of the patient is significantly reduced. It is therefore advisable for patients, their physicians, and the entire society at large, to search for more effective and less toxic treatment methods and develop better prevention strategies that can reduce the burden of this cancer on the individual patient and society as a whole.
Read moreImmunoreactivity of prostate-specific antigen in male breast carcinomas: two examples of a diagnostic pitfall in discriminating a primary breast cancer from metastatic prostate carcinoma.
Diagn Cytopathol 1999 Sep;21(3):167-9 Gupta RK Cytology Unit, Wellington Hospital and School of Medicine, Wellington, and Valley Diagnostic Laboratories, Ltd., Lower Hutt, New Zealand. Prostatic-specific antigen (PSA) is regarded as […]
Read moreTherapeutic Effects of Biobran, Modified Arabinoxylan Rice Bran, in Improving Symptoms of Diarrhea Predominant or Mixed Type Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Pilot, Randomized Controlled Study
Takeshi Kamiya, Michiko Shikano, Mamoru Tanaka, Keiji Ozeki, Masahide Ebi, Takahito Katano, Shingo Hamano, Hirotaka Nishiwaki, Hironobu Tsukamoto, TsutomuMizoshita, Yoshinori Mori, Eiji Kubota, Satoshi Tanida, Hiromi Kataoka, Noriaki Okuda, and […]
Read moreCase Reports of Cancer Patients with Hepatic Metastases Treated by Standardized Plant Immunomodulatory Preparations
Tibor Hajto and Angelika Kirsch Department of Immunology and Biotechnology, University Pecs, Faculty of Medicine, Pecs, Hungary Private Praxis, Paradiesstr. 14, Binningen CH-4102, Switzerland Abstract Background: Metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma often […]
Read moreVitamin C – Facts and research
Pure vitamin C (L-(+)-ascorbic acid) is a colourless, crystalline, acidic, readily water-soluble powder, which human beings and a number of other species (guinea pigs, primates [apes]) cannot produce for themselves […]
Read moreArabinoxylan rice bran (MGN-3/Biobran) provides protection against whole-body γ-irradiation in mice via restoration of hematopoietic tissues
Mamdooh Ghoneum, Nariman K. Badr El-Din, Salma M. Abdel Fattah and Lucilene Tolentino Department of Otolaryngology, Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science, Los Angeles, California 90059, USA Department of […]
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