Arznei & Nahrungsergänzung

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie ausführliche Informationen zu den im Pfeifer-Protokoll® angewandten Produkten. Wofür Sie sich auch entscheiden, sei es eine ergänzende Behandlung zu Ihrer laufenden Therapie oder eine vorbeugende Maßnahme aufgrund von Risikofaktoren, die Sie betreffen: Informieren Sie Ihren behandelnden Arzt stets darüber, welche Medikamente und Nahrungsergänzungsmittel Sie einnehmen. Wenden Sie sich für eine ausführliche Beratung auch gerne an Integrative Cancer Care.

Für alle Krebsarten, Prävention, während und nach der Behandlung

Die folgenden Produkte finden Sie auf der Internetseite von Medpro, Naturally Healthy.


Wer kennt nicht den Alltagsstress, durch den wir ständig unter Strom stehen und kaum noch zur Ruhe kommen? Unser Immunsystem reduziert dabei ganz unbemerkt seine Aktivität. Denn andauernder Stress schwächt seine wertvolle Schutzfunktion. Krankheitskeime und Zellfragmente können von den Abwehrzellen allmählich nicht mehr ausreichend unschädlich gemacht werden. So breiten sie sich ungehindert aus. Zugleich schießt das gestörte Immunsystem an anderer Stelle über sein Ziel hinaus und begünstigt Entzündungen im Körper. Hier können Ballaststoffe aus pflanzlichen Fasern helfen. Sie stimulieren die Darmtätigkeit und fördern so die körpereigenen Abwehrkräfte.

In BioBran® MGN-3 sind wertvolle, komplexe Kohlenhydrate aus den Pflanzenfasern der Reiskleie enthalten, welche die Immunkraft des Körpers und die Arbeit der weißen Blutkörperchen kraftvoll unterstützen können. Da diese Fasern weitgehend unverdaulich sind, würden ihre Vorteile aber ungenutzt bleiben. Mit BioBran® MGN-3 hat der japanische Forscher Hiroaki Maeda ein wirkungsvolles Verfahren entwickelt, durch das der Körper deren Bestandteile mit hilfe spezieller Enzyme aus dem Shiitake-Pilz über den Dünndarm resorbieren kann. 

Der aktivste Inhaltsstoff von BioBran ist Arabinoxylan, ein gespaltener Zucker mit immunmodulierender Wirkung.

 Zur genauen Produktbeschreibung


IMUPROS™: Eine synergetische Mischung aus essentiellen Vitaminen, Mineralien, Bioflavonoiden und Polyphenolen, speziell für den Mann.

Unsere Gesundheit wird nach Kenntnissen der Orthomolekularen Medizin entscheidend durch das biochemische Gleichgewicht unseres Körpers beeinflusst. Dieses können wir gezielt durch eine Verwendung von Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen und Spurenelementen fördern.

  • Vitamin C trägt zur Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung bei sowie zum Schutz der Zellen vor oxidativem Stress.
  • Vitamin E trägt ebenfalls dazu bei, die Zellen vor oxidativem Stress zu schützen.
  • Vitamin D unterstützt die Erhaltung der Knochen, die Muskelfunktion und eine normale Funktion des Immunsystems.
  • Kalzium wird für die Erhaltung der Knochen benötigt. Es übernimmt zudem eine wichtige Funktion bei der Zellteilung und -spezialisierung.
  • Zink wird im Säure-Basen-Stoffwechsel benötigt und ist Bestandteil unzähliger lebenswichtiger Enzyme des Körpers.
  • Selen trägt zu einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems bei.
  • Soylife® (Sojaextrakt, GMO-free, 40% Isoflavonoide): Sojaextrakt ist ein Lieferant des pflanzlichen Östrogens, Genistein.
  • EGCG (Grüntee Extrakt 80%): Extrakte von Grünem Tee mit ihrem Haupt Inhaltsstoff, Epigallocatechingallat können antioxidativ wirken.

Lycopin (Tomaten Extrakt): Bei dem hochkonzentrierten Tomaten Auszug (Lycopin) handelt es sich um einen wertvollen sekundären Pflanzenstoff, dem mehrere Studien im Labor antioxidative Eigenschaften bescheinigten.

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Curcumin Combi™

CURCUMIN combi™: Dieser Extrakt aus dem Kurkuma-Gewürz enthält den starke entzündungshemmenden und antioxidativen Inhaltsstoff Curcumin, sowie Resveratrol – ein Pflanzenstoff aus roten Trauben mit starken antioxidativen Eigenschaften und schwarzem Pfeffer, um seine Absorption zu verbessern.

Mit hochkonzentriertem Curcumin Extrakt aus Gelbwurz und Resveratrol aus dem japanischen Staudenknöterich.

BCM95™ DC (Curcuminoide): BCM95™ DC ist ein patentierter Extrakt aus der Gelbwurzel, welcher eine Vielzahl von biologischen Wirkungen entfaltet; er ist z.B.:

  • anti-oxidativ
  • anti-entzündlich
  • anti-bakteriell

BCM95™ DC hat im Gegensatz zum normalen Gelbwurz-Extrakt eine extrem gute Bioverfügbarkeit und wird bis zu sieben Mal besser absorbiert. 

Polygonum cuspidatum radix Extrakt (Japanischer Staudenknöterich): Der japanische Staudenknöterich (Polygonum cuspidatum) zählt zu den besten natürlichen Quellen für das in der Medizin berühmt gewordene „Resveratrol”, ein Phytoalexin, das zu den Polyphenolen gehört. 

Zur genauen Produktbeschreibung


Der im detox me+ enthaltene natürliche Zeolith-Klinoptilolith ist der klassische Entgiftungsspezialist und wird bereits seit der Antike zur Entgiftung genutzt. Das natürliche Mineral aus porösem Vulkangestein gewinnt im Herstellungsprozess durch Mikronisierung und Aktivierung eine sehr wertvolle Eigenschaft für den Entgiftungsprozess. Es kann nämlich nach oraler Aufnahme im Darm durch selektiven Ionenaustausch und besondere Adsorption schädliche Substanzen wie Blei, Aluminium, Arsen, Cadmium, Quecksilber, Ammonium sowie polyzyklischen Kohlenwasserstoffe binden und diese so unschädlich machen. Dabei belastet der unverdauliche Zeolith unseren Stoffwechsel nicht, sondern wirkt wie ein „magischer Schwamm“, der Schadstoffe im Darm aufsaugt und diese auf normalem Wege mit dem Stuhlgang zur Ausscheidung bringt. 

Eine regelmäßig durchgeführte Entgiftungskur mit dem im detox me+ enthaltenen Zeolithen kann darüber hinaus sogar im Körper bereits akkumulierte Schadstoffe, die über den Blutweg zur Darmwand gelangen, aus dem Körper herausziehen, binden und so eliminieren.

Coenzym Q10: Das Coenzym Q10 im detox me+ beschleunigt wichtige biochemische Zell-Vorgänge und sorgt gleichzeitig für eine kontinuierliche Energieproduktion sowie die Vernichtung schädlicher Radikale im Körper.

OM24® – Epigallocatechingallat: OM24® ist reich an Epigallocatechingallat, ein Antioxidant, der in Grüntee gefunden wird. Die Rezeptur von OM24® steht für einen standardisierten, natürlichen aktiven Wirkstoffkomplex aus Polyphenolen, Aminosäuren, Spurenelementen und Polysacchariden, welche alle aus der Camellia Sinensis Pflanze (Grüntee) gewonnen werden. 

Die antioxidativen Eigenschaften von Epigallocatechingallat neutralisieren freie Radikale und hochreaktive Sauerstoffverbindungen, welche zur Zellalterung beitragen.


ARTEMISININ Seit Jahrtausenden wird sie als Heilpflanze genutzt – Artemisia annua, auch als Einjähriger Beifuß bekannt. Artemisinin wurde in den frühen 1970er Jahren als aktiver Bestandteil von Artemisia annua entdeckt, und die Blattflavonoide dieser Pflanze, die in vielen traditionellen chinesischen Kräuterpräparaten enthalten sind, haben eine Vielzahl von biologischen Aktivitäten gegen Malaria und Krebs gezeigt.

Heute nutzen viele Krebspatienten Artemisinin in Kombination mit ihrer konventionellen Therapie als Zusatznutzen im Kampf gegen Krebs.

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Für alle Krebsarten, Prävention, während und nach der Behandlung

The following products can be found by visiting Aeskulap-International website.

Aeskulap Modified-Citrus-Pectin

Aeskulap-Modified-Citrus-Pectin (AMCP) 

The saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” promises apple connoisseurs robust health. Because not only the vitamins in apples are healthy. Above all, the pectin contained in apples and citrus fruits has a beneficial effect. It has long been said to have detoxifying effects and lower cholesterol.

AMCP is rich in galactose residues, especially β-galactose, which are known to have a high affinity for certain types of cells. The galactose-containing carbohydrate side chains of AMCP can mimic or compete with natural ligands of the protein galectin-3. 

More detailed product description

Aeskulap Sistosterol-Mix

Aeskulap-Sitosterol-Mix produced by Aeskulap-International AG’s compounding contract pharmacy in Switzerland. This phytotherapy drug is individually prescribed for each patient and manufactured as so-called “Magistral-Rezeptur” (prescription magistralis) for the treatment of prostate cancer.

Our doctors and researchers have tested this product both in the laboratory and clinically. We will gladly provide you with the results of these independent tests upon request.

The most significant results follow here in brief:

  • Aeskulap-Sitosterol-Mix contains only components as prescribed by a physician.
  • Aeskulap-Sitosterol-Mix can be used in conjunction with conventional treatments for prostate cancer, for example, in the perioperative setting with radical prostatectomy or prior, during and after radiation treatment and chemotherapy.
  • Aeskulap-Sitosterol-Mix is an integral part of our treatment program for treatment of prostate cancer, even in the so-called castration resistant stage.
  • Aeskulap-Sitosterol-Mix is used in combination with ProstaSol, Curcumin combi extra forte, IMUPROS, and BIOBRAN by doctors within our network to treat prostate cancer of all stages, in particular also metastatic and castration-resistant variants of the disease.
  • Aeskulap-Sitosterol-Mix, used at the prescribed dosage, is usually well tolerated. Nevertheless, about 25-30% of treated patients may notice some breast nipple soreness and slight breast enlargement, with treatment. Impairment of libido and erectile function and some stool softening has also been reported. All side effects are reversible upon dose reduction and discontinuation of treatment.

Although there are no so-called placebo-controlled, double-blind studies for this product and its application in the treatment of patients with prostate cancer, there are well-founded pre-clinical studies, as well as two retrospective clinical studies evaluating the effectiveness of Aeskulap-Sitosterol-Mix in prostate cancer.

Aeskulap CA-Statin

Aeskulap-CA-Statin (ACAS) contains a proprietary extract of the common bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis), comprised of various proteoglycan molecules in combination with proprietary extracts from the following three medicinal plants: Corydalis rhizome (Corydalis yanhusuo), Lycoris radiata and Patrinia heterophylla. Aeskulap-CA-Statin significantly inhibits the growth of abnormal cells and new blood vessels (angiogenesis), necessary for cancer growth. It also has a distinct immune-stimulatory effect.

Since Dr. Folkman hypothesized that controlling angiogenesis could be a feasible anti-tumor strategy, clinical oncology has seen an ever growing interest in angiogenesis inhibitors as anti-tumor agents. Because of anecdotal reports of clinical benefit for cancer patients after consumption of extracts from common bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) by researchers from AIDAN Corporation, USA – we started to test various extracts of this plant for their anti-angiogenesis and immune stimulating effects. From 2001 until 2012, we continued to improve the extract process and combined the Convolvulus arvensis extract with extracts from Corydalis rhizome (Corydalis yanhusuo), Lycoris radiata and Patrinia heterophylla, which resulted in an even better efficacy.

The initial work of the AIDAN research team is best summarized in the following article, which describes the biological properties of the Convolvulus arvensis extract, as well as its clinical potential and possible side effect profile. Read more detailed product description


Speziell für die Prävention und Behandlung von Prostatakrebs


ProstaSol™ contains a proprietary mix of lignans from flaxseed; curcuminoids from turmeric root and various plant derived sterols – all exerting beneficial effects in prostate ailments.

Plant sterols: The plant sterol complex contains four different sterols, namely beta-sitosterol, camposterol, stigmasterol and brassicasterol. Sterols and sterolins are actually vegetable fats that are found in quite high concentrations in many nuts and seeds and have a reputation for positive hormonal effects. In the body, sterols serve as building blocks for adrenal and sex hormones, among other things. 

BCM-95™ DC (curcuminoids): BCM-95™ DC is a patented extract from turmeric, which has a variety of biological effects. The diverse mode of action of turmeric is researched in numerous studies worldwide. For example, scientific studies show that the curcuminoids from BCM95™ can develop a variety of biological effects in the laboratory, such as:
– antioxidant
– anti-inflammatory
– antibacterial
In contrast to normal turmeric extract, BCM95™ DC offers an extremely high bioavailability that is about seven times higher.

Linum Life® (Lignans from linseeds): Linum Life® is a standardized extract from linseed with a high concentration of so-called lignans. These secondary plant substances can be considered as weak phyto-oestrogens and have an antioxidative effect on the human body. Studies have shown that this plant substance has a positive effect on cell health. (Linum Life® – EFSA 2079 ID KOM 51980 -).

Quercetin: The ingredient quercetin is a so-called flavonoid with a phytochemical effect.

Pygeum africanum bark powder (from the African plum tree): Pygeum extract is obtained from the bark of a plum tree native to Africa. This extract has been used successfully since the 1960s. No side effects of Pygeum have been found.

Ginseng extract (Ginsenosides): The effects of the active ingredients in ginseng, ginsenoside and saponin, have only recently been known in Europe, although the effects of the ginseng root have been used for centuries, especially in China and other Asian countries to improve cognitive functions, sexual functions such as libido, as well as the immune system. 

Saw Palmetto extract (Serenoa Repens): The effect of the lipophilic extract of the saw palmetto fruit (Saw palmetto or Serenoa repens) has long been known. In comparison to the usual synthetic agents with the active ingredient finasteride, saw palmetto has at least the same effect with fewer side effects, is better tolerated and is also cheaper.

Resveratrol: Resveratrol is a phytoalexin, which belongs to the polyphenols.

Reishi extract (Ganoderma lucidum): Reishi mushrooms have been used in Chinese naturopathy for over 4000 years. The components contained in the fruiting body of  the mushroom, e.g. Triterpenoids, manitol, coumarin, various polysaccharides and sterols are used. The mushrooms also contain various trace elements such as manganese, zinc, copper, iron, calcium and also germanium.

Polygonum cuspidatum root extract (Japanese Knotweed): The Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) is one of the best natural sources for the famous “Resveratrol”, a phytoalexin, which belongs to the polyphenols.

 More detailed product description

Please note that Medpro’s ProstaSol should not be confused with the product sold in the US under the same name. Medpro’s ProstaSol contains a few additional ingredients to make it more effective, and is manufactured exclusively in the Netherlands, Europe using ingredients regulated by the Dutch ministry of Health. Medpro’s ProstaSol is made under HACCP, GMP and GNP, and none of its ingredients are tainted with synthetic oestrogens.


ProstaLin-C™ is an orthomolecular combination preparation for men, including highly concentrated curcumin extract from turmeric root, linseed lignans, lycopene from tomato extract and essential minerals.

Linum Life® (Lignans from linseeds): Linum Life® is a standardized extract from linseed with a high concentration of so-called lignans. These secondary plant substances can be considered as weak phyto-oestrogens and have an antioxidative effect on the human body. Studies have shown that this plant substance has a positive effect on cell health. (Linum Life® – EFSA 2079 ID KOM 51980 -).

BCM95™ DC (curcuminoids): Curcumin extract BCM95™ DC is a patented extract from turmeric, which has a variety of biological effects. The diverse mode of action of turmeric is researched in numerous studies worldwide. For example, scientific studies show that the Curcumin extract BCM95™ DC can develop a variety of biological effects in the laboratory, such as:
– antioxidant
– anti-inflammatory
– antibacterial
In contrast to normal turmeric extract, Curcumin extract BCM95™ DC offers an extremely high bioavailability that is about seven times higher.

Tomato extract (lycopene): Lycopene is a highly bioactive antioxidant and carotenoid obtained from tomatoes. Lycopene makes up about 50% of all carotenoids in the blood and seems to be particularly concentrated in the prostate, since a slightly higher level can be detected here than in the blood.

Zinc (zinc citrate): This trace element supports scores of immune functions and an intake of zinc could generally increase well-being. Zinc is needed in order for many enzymes to work normally, particularly enzymes with an antioxidative effect A ProstaLin-C capsule contains 10 mg of zinc and provides the daily required dose of this trace element.

Selenium (selenium methionine): This mineral contributes to protecting the cells from oxidative stress. Selenium is normally found in various types of grain and in garlic, particularly if these are cultivated in soil that is rich in selenium. 


Prostectan™ is a proprietary combination of extracts from 10 powerful plants, including linseed lignans, highly concentrated curcumin extract from turmeric root and various plant sterols.

BCM95™ DC (curcuminoids): BCM95™ DC is a patented extract from turmeric, which has a variety of biological effects. The diverse mode of action of turmeric is researched in numerous studies worldwide. For example, scientific studies show that the curcuminoids from BCM95™ DC can develop a variety of biological effects in the laboratory, such as:
– anti-inflammatory
– antibacterial
In contrast to normal turmeric extract, BCM95™ DC offers an extremely high bioavailability that is about seven times higher.

Soy extract: Soy is considered a natural source of genistein. This is a plant-based estrogen that occurs in particularly high concentrations in the soy plant. As an isoflavone, genistein has various health-promoting properties.

Linum Life® (Lignans from linseeds): Linum Life® is a standardized extract from linseed with a high concentration of so-called lignans. These secondary plant substances can be considered as weak phyto-oestrogens and have an antioxidative effect on the human body. Studies have shown that this plant substance has a positive effect on cell health. (Linum Life® – EFSA 2079 ID KOM 51980 -).

Baikal Skullcap extract (Scutellaria baicalensis): This plant, also called Chinese skullcap, is rich in flavonoids and has been widely used as a medicinal plant in China for thousands of years.

Dyer’s woad extract (Isatis indigotica): Woad is a biennial plant in the mustard family. The roots and parts of the trunk have been used for hundreds of years in traditional Chinese naturopathy. One of these substances is indirubin.

Ginseng extract (Panax ginseng): The effects of the active ingredients in ginseng, ginsenoside and saponin, have only recently been known in Europe, although the effects of the ginseng root have been used for centuries, especially in China and other Asian countries to improve cognitive functions, sexual functions such as libido, as well as the immune system.

Reishi extract (Ganoderma lucidum): Reishi mushrooms have been used in Chinese naturopathy for over 4000 years. The components contained in the fruiting body of  the mushroom, e.g. Triterpenoids, mannitol, coumarin, various polysaccharides and sterols are used. The mushrooms also contain various trace elements such as manganese, zinc, copper, iron, calcium and also germanium.

Saw palmetto extract (Serenoa Repens): The effect of the lipophilic extract of the saw palmetto fruit (Saw palmetto or Serenoa repens) has long been known. In comparison to the usual synthetic agents with the active ingredient finasteride, saw palmetto has at least the same effect with fewer side effects, is better tolerated and is also cheaper.

Rabdosia rubescens extract: The two most important properties of this quickly growing, terpenoid-rich labiate are oridonin and rubescenin A and B. The effect of oridonin is free of side effects, since healthy cells are not influenced.

Liquiritiae radix extract: Liquorice extracts contain various saponins of glycyrrhetic acids, which have variable positive properties.

Chrysanthemum morifolium extract: The extract from the chrysanthemum flower (Dendranthema morifolium) contains triterpendiole and triterpentriole. In traditional Chinese naturopathy, the positive properties of chrysanthemum flowers have been known for a few thousand years.


Speziell für die Prävention und Behandlung von Brustkrebs


Indol-3-Carbinol, which gives the product its name, is extracted from various cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts and broccoli. 

Resveravine® (oligostilbens, resveratrol) & Polygonum cuspidatum radix extract (Resveratrol from Japanese Knotweed): Diseases do not always come from outside: Aggressive chemical compounds in the body can also cause great damage to our cells. But the organism is not at the mercy of them: Antioxidants, also called radical scavengers, inhibit the harmful oxidation of cell structures. In test studies, they were able to help neutralize this dangerous process.

Some phytochemicals are particularly effective radical scavengers, including resveratrol. These are contained as an active ingredient combination in the preparation Indole-3-Carbinol (I-3-C). It is obtained from the Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum).

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin): B12 plays a crucial role in the body’s formation of red blood cells and neurological functioning.